Monday, June 13, 2011

Move Like This by The Cars - Groovetown

Move Like This by The Cars - Groovetown

Okay so I waited for25 years for the Cars to release a new album and here it is!  The best part is that it is available on FLAC, CD and Vinyl!  Yep, you heard right, Vinyl.  Contrary to popular belief you can still get a lot of new releases on that black plasticy delicate form of media from days gone by.  As you will learn by reading my blog over time, I love the sound of analog.  CD's while convenient sound far to sterile to me.  The fullness of analog is lost in the "precision" of digital.  Don't believe me?  Take a listen to Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon an pop on The Great Gig In The Sky.  The CD sounds over processed and lacking any warmth or depth while the album sounds full and lifelike.  Better yet, put on John Mayer's Room For Squares and take a listen to no Such Thing.  The acoustic guitar that starts the song is full of tone and you can actually hear the warmth of the body of the guitar on vinyl.  The CD and download versions are theoretically dynamically better.  Theoretically the Baltimore Orioles could win the World Series this year.  Sure you have to be a little more careful with your music when you are playing records but they aren't delicate flowers either.  Norah Jones released Her album the Fall in 2009.  I bought it on CD and was immediately disappointed.  Everything sounded so compressed and over produced.  Her voice didn't have that wonderful smokiness that was evident on her other albums.  So, I bought the vinyl version and WHAM! There it was, everything in her beautiful voice was back.  The album sounds so full and clear with no compression.  Chasing Pirates gave my Fisher #66 speakers from 1969 a workout like I have never heard before.  The low end of that song reminded me of what a CD or any other electronic form of music can never do.  Reproduce full detail at low frequencies with a fullness and clarity that can only be accomplished by a diamond needle moving across a groove on a record.  Death Cab For Cutie Just released their new album on vinyl and I hope to get a copy soon.  As for the above mention Cars record, well fathers days is rapidly approaching (hint hint).  I have listened to Move Like This on Napster and I have to say that anyone that was a Cars fan back in the 70s and 80s will absolutely love this record.  Isn't amazing how a band that spent so much time away from each other can almost effortlessly produce something that sounds as good as this album does?  Perhaps it is because they  aren't a band assembled to write hit songs and sell records for the short term.  The Cars were and are a great band of musicians that perform music that they have ownership of.  They aren't a manufactured band that is filling a nice for a record label.  If you have Napster (which I highly recommend) then take a listen to the album all the way through.  If not, well I recommend that you get it and then listen to the album.  I love this album, let me know what you think of it.  I think the ultimate though would be to pull out your record players, buy the album on vinyl and hear the Cars the way they were 25 years ago, in analog with a wonderfully full sound!

If you don't know where to buy your albums just ask me.  I have dozens of sites that I'll share with you.  If you have committed the sin of getting rid of your turntable, just click the Amazon link at the bottom of my blog and you can buy one there.

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